Mission Statement
Our mission is to elevate consciousness and change the future of human health through nutritional psychiatry, ayurveda, psychedelic support services, education, and research. We are dedicated to providing affordable healthcare access for the benefit of the next 7 generations.
Vision Statement
Every person, on every continent, has the opportunity to reach maximum health potential.

Dr. Richelle Vawter, ND, LMHC, BCB
Dr. Richelle Vawter earned her Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University and her MA in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University. She specializes in Mind Body Medicine, with an emphasis on anxiety and depression disorders. Dr. Vawter is the owner of Health Maximized Clinic, former adjunct faculty member with Bastyr University, and completed studies in Ayurvedic Medicine with Dr. Vasant Lad in India.

Dr. Alicia Tremblay, ND
Dr. Tremblay earned her Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University. She owns and operates a private practice in Duvall, WA, where she specializes in chronic disease and Mind Body Medicine.

Dr. Emily Coombs, ND
Dr. Emily Coombs graduated with her Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from Bastyr University. She is a physician at Sierra Tucson Treatment Center. Her treatment specialty is Mental Health and Addiction Disorders.
Jennifer LeValley, MA
Jennifer LeValley earned her Master of Ayurvedic Sciences degree from Bastyr University. As a future Ayurvedic practitioner, she intends to help others build and maintain true health, expressed as a balanced mind, body, and spirit. Jennifer believes that this balance shapes and strengthens the awareness we need to become fully actualized within ourselves and our communities; and the entire world benefits when individuals are vital, happy, creative, and committed to serving others. Having worked for UCLA interviewing hundreds of prison inmates, Jennifer developed a passion for working with disadvantaged communities and recognizing the need for bringing holistic health treatment to those people who need it most.